
Data Mesh: Resources of interest

Other resources for your reading

Data Mesh is an in-vogue term, and as such, there are a multitude of resources you can find online. We curated a list of some that may be of interest to learn more about the subject.

  • Data Mesh by Zhamak Dehghani, the creator of the term. A detailed dive to the topic and the impact on the organisation.

  • Fundamentals of Data Engineering by Joe Reis. It focuses more on technical details for data teams, making it a good complement to the book above.

  • Data Management at Scale by Piethein Strengholt. An alternative to the Data Mesh book, it provides a good balance between theory and practical examples.

Other resources you may want to check include:

  • Martin Fowler's blog has an article by Zhamak Dehghani, the creator of the term, which exposes the concept. Take it as a short, high-level summary of her book.

  • Thoughtworks, where the term originated, has many resources on the topic, including an e-book on how they implemented a Data Mesh at Roche. Worth your time if you are planing on starting your own Data Mesh.

  • InnoQ also provides its own set of resources, including Terraform modules for AWS and GCP

Although we also discussed Data Fabric in our post, we have not been able to find comprehensive resources that we can recommend right now. Unfortunately, most of the resources we can find are sales pitches from companies like IBM.  We will update this section if we find a good resource on the subject.

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